The Newsome High School Athletic Booster Club would appreciate your involvement and support for the 2024-2025 school year. Our purpose is to provide additional financial and moral support for all athletic programs at Newsome High School. Your membership benefits all Newsome athletes but also benefits you personally.
500 Meter Dash Membership: $575.00 (Pay $280 now)
*2 votes at NHS Athletic Booster Club meetings
*4 activity card codes to be sent by email after submission for you to purchase 4 passes for $75 each on website (admission to any regular season Hillsborough Co athletic event)
*Name displayed on NHS Booster Club sign at the stadium (MUST BE RECEIVED BY 8/09/2024)
*Free parking to regular season home football games (pass given)
*Option to purchase unlimited additional adult activity cards @ $75 each at (admission to any regular season Hillsborough County athletic event including middle school events)
*Voucher for $75 of Newsome Wolfwear merchandise (purchase anytime it is being sold)